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Resep: Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice Lezat

Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice. At Pepper Lunch, you are our Master Chef. Presenting a novel concept of sizzling Steaks; Pastas; Curry Rice; and not forgetting our signature Pepper Rice, Pepper Lunch promises a dynamic and. Beef Pepper Rice is dish of thinly sliced beef served on hot plate with rice and corn complemented by Amakuchi a type of Honey Soy Sauce and Karakuchi a type Before starting what and who is Pepper Lunch?

Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice After trying Pepper Lunch's Beef Pepper Rice I had to recreate it at home because it tasted so good! Here's my version of Beef Pepper Rice. Pepper Lunch (ペッパーランチ, Peppā-ranchi) is a Japanese "fast-steak" restaurant franchise. Anda dapat memasak Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice menggunakan 12 bahan dan 4 langkah-langkah. Inilah langkah membuatnya.

Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice

Bahan yang dipakai memasak Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice

  1. Siapkan >> Nasi.
  2. Gunakan >> Kecap asin.
  3. Gunakan >> Madu.
  4. Gunakan 1 >> cabe.
  5. Gunakan 3 >> bawang putih.
  6. Anda memerlukan >> Lada Hitam.
  7. Anda memerlukan >> Garam.
  8. Siapkan >> Totole.
  9. Siapkan >> Minyak.
  10. Siapkan >> Mentega.
  11. Gunakan >> Saus tiram.
  12. Anda memerlukan 3 Sliced >> beef.

Pepper Lunch is a subsidiary of Pepper Food Service Co., Ltd. The restaurant's operations outside Japan are managed by Suntory F&B International. This Pepper Beef Rice Skillet recipe is inspired by the Beef Pepper Rice dish from the Japanese fast food chain, Pepper Lunch. (There is a lot of pepper in that sentence!!) Although they have variations with chicken or salmon, Beef Pepper Rice is their most basic and popular dish. View the menu from Pepper Lunch Sunnybank & place your takeaway or delivery order online.

Prosedurmembuat Pepper Lunch: Beef Pepper Rice

  1. Buat 2 saus. Saus asin: bawang putih halus/potong2, 2sdm kecap asin, 1 sdm minyak, 1 sdm lada hitam. Saus manis: 2 sdm saus tiram, 2 sdm kecap asin, 2 sdm madu. Di foto ini hanya saus asin saja, aku lupa foto saus manisnya..
  2. Masukkan sedikit mentega di wajan, sblm dinyalakan make sure untuk meletakkan nasi di bagian tengah..
  3. Rendam daging sebentar, kemudian masukkan ke dalam wajan, dibuat mengelilingi nasi..
  4. Mulai masukkan saus asin dan manis, kemudian masak daging dan aduk hingga matang. Sebelumnya aku juga potong cabe dan meletakkannya di atas nasi supaya agak pedas. Koreksi rasa, tada siap disajikkan deh..

Order from a wide selection of your favourite Asian food which will be delivered directly to your home or office. Try this Pepper Lunch's beef rice recipe, or contribute your own. Make sure that the beef is completely thawed. Heat cast iron skillet on high flame until it smokes. Put half of the steamed rice (while still hot) in the middle.

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