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Cara Menyiapkan KETO Creme Caramel Simpel

KETO Creme Caramel. I have a few possible variations in the recipe too. Including a 'cheat' option for the caramel. And you can even make it dairy-free if that's your choice.

KETO Creme Caramel I use the molasses in this recipe as part of a very simple Keto caramel sauce. In regular high-carb flan, you make the caramel sauce by cooking table sugar until it caramelizes. But this Keto caramel sauce is even easier. Anda dapat memasak KETO Creme Caramel memanfaatkkan 8 bahan dan 3 langkah-langkah. Inilah langkah memasaknya.

KETO Creme Caramel

Bahan yang diperlukan membuat KETO Creme Caramel

  1. Anda memerlukan >> Bahan Karamel:.
  2. Anda memerlukan 40 gram >> LAKANTO Natural Sweetener.
  3. Siapkan 1 sdm >> air, boleh skip kalau pengen warnanya coklat banget.
  4. Anda memerlukan 1 sdm >> air panas.
  5. Gunakan >> Bahan Purin:.
  6. Siapkan 2 butir >> telur.
  7. Siapkan 5 tetes >> stevia.
  8. Gunakan 200 ml >> whipcream + 50 ml air.

All you need to do is mix together a tiny bit of molasses and sugar-free pancake syrup. Keto flan - or Creme caramel is a dish out of France & Spain. Also called crema catalana, it's a firm custard with a soft caramel drizzle that is cooked right into the flan. LOW CARB FLAN So this flan is a little imperfect. but you get the gist of how to make it.

Tata caramemasak KETO Creme Caramel

  1. Karamel: - panaskan LAKANTO Natural Sweetener di sauce pan, tambahkan air.. - masak sampai menjadi karamel berwarna coklat, jangan diaduk yaaa, goyangkan sedikit pannya.. bisa disesuaikan pengen seberapa warnanya, pastikan jangan gosong banget.. - angkat dari api, dengan hati² masukkan air panas sedikit-sedikit sambil memutar pan.. langsung tuang ke cetakan.
  2. Purin: 🍮 hangatkan whipcream dan sukralosa, jangan sampai berbuih mendidih ya.. cukup hangat saja 🍮 kocok telur, masukkan whipcream sambil diaduk cepat 🍮 saring 1-2 kali, pastikan jangan ada gelembung, kalau ada, ambil dengan sendok.
  3. Cara membuat: 🍮 panaskan oven ± 160-170°C / pakai sauce pan besar, tuang air panas 🍮 tuang adonan telur dan whipcream ke cetakan yg sudah ada karamelnya, lalu tutup dengan aluminum foil 🍮 kalau pakai oven, panggang dengan teknik au bain marie, selama ±30 menit 🍮 kalau pakai sauce pan, langsung letakkan cetakan masak ±20 menit.. dan harap dipastikan JANGAN SAMPAI AIR MENDIDIH karena akan merusak teksturnya 🍮 hidangkan dalam keadangan hangat / dingin lebih nikmat.

Just make sure you don't overcook it otherwise you will have bubbles! (mine does. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Pour the custard into each ramekin, on top of the caramel. Place the ramekins into a casserole dish and fill over half way with hot water. Crème caramel is such a sweet and classic dessert that we all enjoy.

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