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Resep: Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan Simpel

Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan. All this said, compared to the OG Pink Drink, the sugar-free, Keto version is disappointing. It tastes nothing like a pink Starburst, and even the strawberry flavor was pretty subtle. (*disclaimer: this is NOT the "pink drink" on the Starbucks menu. This drink has been dubbed the "keto pink drink" on Instagram.

Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan If you mix while it is slightly warm, it will curdle when adding the heavy cream. If you are looking for a dairy-free keto pink drink, replace the heavy cream with unsweetened coconut milk. The keto-friendly drink isn't an approved Starbucks item, but it is on their secret menu. Anda dapat membuat Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 5 langkah-langkah. Inilah cara memasaknya.

Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan

Bahan yang dipake membuat Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan

  1. Gunakan >> 🍓 Strawberry refresher 🍓.
  2. Siapkan 350 gr >> frozen strawberries (adanya segitu 😊).
  3. Gunakan 200 ml >> air.
  4. Siapkan >> 🍓 Bahan lainnya 🍓.
  5. Gunakan 3 sdm >> santan Kara.
  6. Gunakan 3 tetes >> stevia (sesuaikan selera masing2).
  7. Siapkan Secukupnya >> air es.
  8. Siapkan Secukupnya >> es batu.

The keto pink drink contains Starbucks Passion Tango Iced Tea, sugar-free vanilla syrup, and heavy cream. This homemade pink drink recipe doesn't contain the green coffee, and the tea I use is caffeine free, so the drink has no caffeine. Starbucks' pink drink has been popular for a while now, mostly due to it's sweet, candy-like flavor, and how good it looks on Instagram. The keto version is simple to order, and tastes just as good.

Prosedurmembuat Keto Pink Drink #ketopad #kamismanis #BikinRamadanBerkesan

  1. Masak frozen strawberries dengan air hingga strawberry-nya hancur... seperti buat puree. Sisihkan dan biarkan dingin. Kurang lebih menghasilkan 500 ml strawberry refresher..
  2. Masukkan strawberry refresher sebanyak 1/3 gelas. Sisanya bisa disimpan di kulkas untuk pemakaian berikut 😊.
  3. Tambahkan es batu 1/3 gelas dan air es..
  4. Lalu tuang santan dan stevia, aduk2 hingga rata. Siap dinikmati 🍹.
  5. Selamat mencoba 😄🍓😄.

So next time you're looking for something low-carb/keto to order at Starbucks, you can order this Keto Pink Drink or even better, make it at home!. It will be neutrally sweet, but if you prefer something a little sweeter, you can add optional Swerve/Monkfruit or more sugar free vanilla syrup. Starbucks Keto Pink Drink Starbucks Has a Keto Version of the Pink Drink, and It Looks Delicious. A. the Pink Drink) is a sweet-tart drink made with coconut milk, tea, and a hefty dose of sweetener. You can convert this drink into a keto-friendly option by asking for Unsweetened Passion Tango Iced Tea (request it with no sugar and no water).

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